Welcome to the UMSurabaya Internationalization website

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya initially consisted of several Muhammadiyah higher education institutions, including the Faculty of Religious Sciences Department of Da'wah (FIAD) which was established on September 15, 1964, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Surabaya was established in 1975, IKIP Muhammadiyah Surabaya was established in 1980, the Faculty of Sharia Surabaya was established in 1982, and Institut Teknologi Muhammadiyah Surabaya was established in 1983
Website Of The Office Of International Affairs And Partnership

International Academic Program

In the era of globalization marked by the loss of boundaries, internationalization is a necessity. The phenomenon of internationalization occurs in various sectors in the world, including in the world of higher education. Internationalization is the spirit of international accreditation that a study program or faculty wants to achieve. International accreditation itself is believed to be able to become a driver of change and continuous improvement for study programs.

International Academic Program

This program is set by IOP as a means of providing students to have International Credit Transfer to International partners and also to provide students from International Partners in joining one short course in UMSurabaya

Program Of Academics And Credit Earning (PACE)

This program is set by IOP as a means of providing students to have International Credit Transfer to International partners and also to provide students from International Partners in joining one short course in UMSurabaya

International Full Time Students

International Full Time Students is one information provided to all International students who prefer to study and learn in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Those who are interested may apply to following.

Governmental And International Funding Tutorials

This page is intentionally made in order to inform UMSurabaya students and Lecturers to access Governmental and International Funding

Programs Of Leisure And Non-Credit Earning (PLANE)

This program is set by IOP as a means of constructing confident, building international awareness and exposure, and preparing student to have Credit Transfer

Berita dan Artikel

Gambar Berita Pakar UM Surabaya : Pentingnya Integrasi Keuangan Komersial dan Proyek Sosial
  • 20 Mei
  • 2021

Pakar UM Surabaya : Pentingnya Integrasi Keuangan Komersial dan Proyek Sosial

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya menggelar 1st Internasional Multidisciplinary Conference on Potential Research (MiCon) pada 15-16 Desember 2021. Arin Setyowati Dosen Program Studi Perbankan Syari’ah FAI UM Surabaya menjadi salah sa [Baca Selengkapnya]

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Website Of The Office Of International Affairs And Partnership