
Gambar Berita Initiating Smart Chairs for Disabilities, UM Surabaya Lecturer Wins Award
  • 21 Dec
  • 2021

Initiating Smart Chairs for Disabilities, UM Surabaya Lecturer Wins Award

Satria Unggul Wicaksana, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and vice-dean of UM Surabaya, won the most implementable presenter at the workshop event as a result of learning innovation funding assistance and assistive technology for students with spe [Read More]
Gambar Berita Competing at National Championships, 5 Tapak Suci Athletes of UM Surabaya Win Champion
  • 14 Dec
  • 2021

Competing at National Championships, 5 Tapak Suci Athletes of UM Surabaya Win Champion

Tapak Suci athletes from UM Surabaya won in various categories at the fourth inter-university virtual version of the Tapak Suci National Championship held at Sebelas Maret State University in December 2021Five delegates sent won first place [Read More]
Gambar Berita Four UM Surabaya Borong Athletes Win at the 2021 National Jujitsu Event
  • 13 Dec
  • 2021

Four UM Surabaya Borong Athletes Win at the 2021 National Jujitsu Event

UM Surabaya athletes never stop achieving. 4 UM Surabaya athletes won 5 trophies at the National Jujitsu event held by Surabaya State University (UNESA) December 10-12 2021. The sports championship which was held at the Unesa Sports Hall was atten [Read More]
Gambar Berita Initiating Fisheries SMEs, FT UM Surabaya Students Win Business Competitions
  • 11 Dec
  • 2021

Initiating Fisheries SMEs, FT UM Surabaya Students Win Business Competitions

CI-EL Campus Competition, the largest business case competition in East Java, which this year has the theme "SMEs Transformation Towards Sustainability". The team from UM Surabaya Naila Akmalia, Moch. Fadli and Muhammad Alfiyan, who are fifth-seme [Read More]
Gambar Berita Response to Achievements of UM Surabaya, UM Cirebon Makes a Visit
  • 10 Dec
  • 2021

Response to Achievements of UM Surabaya, UM Cirebon Makes a Visit

UM Surabaya menerima kunjungan kerja dari Univesitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon dalam rangka optimalisasi peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat serta bertukar pengalaman terkait capaian prestasi  dan pelaksana [Read More]
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Student Rankings Rise to 33rd National Position
  • 09 Dec
  • 2021

UM Surabaya Student Rankings Rise to 33rd National Position

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya is experiencing another increase in the field of national student affairs in 2021. UM Surabaya has managed to increase its ranking for the last four years. There are 2,327 universities in the ranking. This ranking [Read More]