Toddler Graduation, Representing His Father Who Has Passed Away

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  • 21 Nov
  • 2021

Foto Rektor dan Dekan FKIP bersama istri dan anak almarhum Syaiful Rizal (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

Toddler Graduation, Representing His Father Who Has Passed Away

After struggling in college and completing his thesis well, graduation is the moment you look forward to. However, Syaiful Rizal's Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) student did not feel that. At the moment of his graduation which took place on November 21, 2021, Rizal passed away on August 1, 2021. Syaiful died due to bleeding in his brain.

Through a brief interview with Alfi, the wife of the late Syaiful Rizal died right after 9 days of thesis trial and was declared passed. The man who was born in Surabaya on February 3, 1990 is married to Alfi and has a son named Desta. Desta and his mother representing his father received diplomas and award certificates from the campus. Award from the university for Saiful's persistence in completing his studies.

 "I know my husband is a strong person and does not give up easily, his struggle to complete his thesis is not easy. There were many ups and downs that he faced, but he felt he had to finish soon. Because he feels this is his responsibility, “he said.

Alfi, who is the wife of the deceased, hopes that he will always be given an open heart on every journey.

“The presence of Desta is a strength for me. Until now, I'm grateful there are still many good people around who always support. There are times when I'm sad, but that also shouldn't drag on. I believe in myself that every incident that happens, hopefully there will be lessons and goodness that I can take, "he said with emotion in his voice.

Meanwhile, Sukadiono, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, directly handed over a certificate of appreciation and appreciated what the late Syaiful Rizal had done.

"Saiful is an example of a real struggle. Despite his illness, he is still trying to finish his studies. Saiful is an example for all of us," said Sukadiono on the sidelines of the 47th graduation ceremony.