UM Surabaya Hosts ASKUI PTMA Meeting in Indonesia

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Hosts ASKUI PTMA Meeting in Indonesia
  • 21 Dec
  • 2021

Foto sambutan Rektor UM Surabaya di acara pertemuan tahunan ASKUI-PTMA se-Indonesia (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

UM Surabaya Hosts ASKUI PTMA Meeting in Indonesia

The increasing role of the Office of International Affairs (KUI) in tertiary institutions in ranking, the Association of International Affairs Offices of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education (ASKUI-PTMA) throughout Indonesia will hold an annual meeting on 20-21 December 2021 at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya). The event which was attended by hundreds of PTMA KUI delegates throughout Indonesia carried the theme INCOME For PTMA (International and National Collaboration Model for PTMA).

"Collaborative activities in higher education are one of the main weapons in advancing higher education in this era of the Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic. I hope that international cooperation at PTMA will be more implementable so that internationalization efforts become a culture that must be and continue to be strengthened," said Sukadiono, UM Surabaya's chancellor when giving a speech.

Meanwhile, deputy chairman of the PP Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council Edy Suandi Hamid conveyed the importance of strengthening international cooperation in order to realize Free Learning-Free Campus (MBKM) and a superior campus.

"PTMA KUI heads must be able to learn and implement best practice examples presented by speakers who have been successful in international activities. It is hoped that today's meeting will become our joint endeavor to improve the quality of education so that it is on par with the quality of international education," said Edy

Also present at the event were Firman Hidayat (Sub-Coordinator of Ministry of Education and Culture), Muslich Hartadi Sutanto (Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia), Putri Nailatul Himma (Sub-Coordinator of Substance of Institutional Strengthening PT Kemendikbudristek RI), AA Sodikin (Higher Education Institutional Strengthening Substance Staff) and the representatives of KUI-PTMA throughout Indonesia.