UM Surabaya Sends Young Doctors to Handle the Health of Cianjur Earthquake Victims

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Sends Young Doctors to Handle the Health of Cianjur Earthquake Victims
  • 08 Dec
  • 2022

Relawan Dokter Muda UM Surabaya saat melakukan pengobatan kepada korban gempa (Humas)

UM Surabaya Sends Young Doctors to Handle the Health of Cianjur Earthquake Victims

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) sent volunteer young doctors to help recover health problems after the 2022 Cianjur earthquake.

Safira Nur Ramadhani, one of the young doctors explained, the young doctor volunteers were spread evenly in five different locations to deal with medical problems experienced by refugees.

The volunteers were divided into several location points, including: Upper Ciherang, Lower Ciherang, Sukamulya, Cariu, and Cieundeur.

"We deal with the health problems of the refugees accompanied by a team from Muhammadiyah Hospital consisting of doctors, nurses and midwives," said Safira.

Safira mentioned various health problems experienced by the disaster evacuees, the diseases that emerged were Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI) and chronic hypertension.

Meanwhile, Maya Rafida, who is also a volunteer young doctor, explained that the victims of the disaster experienced many diseases, especially infectious diseases.

He said the refugees experienced various health problems, but the most common were upper respiratory tract infections (ARI).

“From the data we collected, as much as 50% of the diseases we encountered were ISPA. This data will be a provision for us to follow up on treatment and prevention. For non-communicable diseases, the most common we encounter is hypertension, which is 19% of the total disease, "added Maya.

In dealing with health problems, volunteer young doctors also focus on prevention efforts so that morbidity can be reduced.

“We conducted an analysis of the refugees' lifestyle, then we launched an extension program. Our current focus is preventing infectious diseases with a clean and healthy lifestyle, to specifically prevent the transmission of ISPA," he added.

Finally, he revealed that Muhammadiyah will always play a role in disaster management through the MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center) in the health sector.