UM Surabaya Accepts Domestic Independent Student Exchanges from All Over Indonesia

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Accepts Domestic Independent Student Exchanges from All Over Indonesia
  • 19 Oct
  • 2021

rektor bersama mahasiswa (dok humas)

UM Surabaya Accepts Domestic Independent Student Exchanges from All Over Indonesia

The new program designed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) is the Domestic Independent Student Exchange (PMMDN). The aim is to get to know each other from one region to another in order to study the diversity of Indonesian culture and encourage the strengthening and expansion of student academic competence.

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya held the release and acceptance of the Domestic Independent Student Exchange (PMM-DN) on (16/10/2021). A total of 14 UM Surabaya students were sent to 8 PTNs and 21 students were accepted from 13 PTNs from outside Java.

Sukadiono, Chancellor of the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya proudly welcomed the students who took part in this program. According to him, even though he was only at UM Surabaya for four months, these students have become part of UM Surabaya

"We have an obligation to guide, educate students who take part in this PMMDN according to what is in UM Surabaya. You can learn anything, that's the principle of independent learning. In addition, students can take advantage of all the facilities available at UM Surabaya. Even though non-Muslim students don't worry, we will show places of worship according to their respective beliefs," said Sukadiono.

Sukadiono also added that so far UM Surabaya has always worked together with the Surabaya City government and we will synergize with programs related to student empowerment such as CSR.

Sukestiyarno, head of the Ministry of Education and Culture's PMMDN pogja team conveyed the archipelago module which is a series of activities focused on creating a comprehensive understanding of diversity, inspiration, reflection and social contribution designed through sequential and repeated mentoring.

"This program is intended to maximize the meeting space between students, increase understanding, and deposit the meaning of tolerance. These activities aim to introduce the rich culture of the archipelago which originates from various groups, ethnicities, races, religions and beliefs," said Sukestiyarno in his speech via Zoom Meeting.

Sukestiyarno also explained the 4 types of activities in the archipelago module, namely Diversity, Inspiration, Reflection and social contribution. Diversity introduces diversity in terms of religion, belief, race, ethnicity, class, language and groups in Indonesia. Inspirational activities can stimulate students from conversations and discussions with local inspirational figures.

Reflection is a process of contemplating the lessons learned from diversity activities and inspiration to understand and appreciate diversity. Meanwhile, social contribution activities carry out community service in the place where they are placed.

Students who are doing exchanges at UM Surabaya plan to start attending lectures this semester for 4 months, following the existing academic calendar at UM Surabaya.

At the end of the event, Mardianti, a Management study program student from Sorong Victory University, expressed her pride at being accepted at UM Surabaya.

"The reason I joined this program is I wanted to know more about the learning that other campuses have so that it combines what I didn't get at my home university. And I feel proud to be part of UM Surabaya, I can learn a lot from lecturers and friends at UM Surabaya," said Mardianti