UM Surabaya Provides 3 Billion Scholarships for New Students

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Provides 3 Billion Scholarships for New Students
  • 27 Jul
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Provides 3 Billion Scholarships for New Students

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) has prepared a scholarship fund of IDR 3 billion for 2022 prospective new students. This special scholarship and program has been given since last year during the Covid-19 pandemic and remains open this year.

Deputy Chancellor 3 for student affairs, innovation and human resources, Ma'ruf Sya'ban, said that with this allocation of funds, the university wants to provide an opportunity for the community to continue to pursue diploma or undergraduate education.

"After the pandemic, of course this is the time to get back up for everyone, opportunities to keep learning must remain open to anyone," explained Ma'ruf Wednesday (27/7/22).

Ma'ruf continued, the IDR 3 billion will be divided into 12 scholarships and flagship programs. This is done so that these programs can be accessed by all levels of society from any class.

The Head of the Institute for Information and New Student Admissions (LIPMB), Radius Setiyawan explained that scholarships and flagship programs consist of the KIP-K/Bidik Misi scholarship program, Tahfidz scholarships, Influencers, Athletes, Disabilities, IT Vocational High School Alumni, local residents, Dhuafa, Invites, The Ma`had Umar Bin Al Khattab program and the Dare to Work Lecture (KBK) program.

"All of the programs above are of course through selection and must meet the requirements that have been set through the internal campus," explained Radius.

According to Radius, recipients of the flagship program scholarships will receive special guidance from the Alumni and Innovation Student Affairs Bureau (BAKAI).

"Registration for scholarships at UM Surabaya has entered batch 3 which has been open from 1 July to 31 August.

"Of course the scholarships and programs above can be closed at any time if the quota and conditions set have been met," added Radius.

Meanwhile, further information regarding the scholarships offered at UM Surabaya, prospective students can visit the official website