UM Surabaya The Only PTS in East Java to Win the 2021 Diktiristek Award

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya The Only PTS in East Java to Win the 2021 Diktiristek Award
  • 14 Jan
  • 2022

Foto Rektor UM Surabaya pada Anugerah Distiristek 2021

UM Surabaya The Only PTS in East Java to Win the 2021 Diktiristek Award

Entering 2022, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) made an achievement in the 2021 Diktiristek Award, Thursday (1/13/2022). The award that was won was in the campus category with the most attended subjects in the domestic student exchange program in the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

"Alhamdulillah, UM Surabaya was chosen as the campus with the most interested subjects in the domestic student exchange program. We are the only private university (PTS) in East Java that has won an award. This confirms that the learning system and curriculum that we apply are considered to be of high quality and attractive," said Sukadiono in a written statement.

Furthermore, Sukadiono explained that UM Surabaya implemented 4 types of activities in the archipelago module in this program, namely diversity, inspiration, reflection and social contribution.

“Inspirational activities can stimulate students to be more creative. Reflection is a process of contemplating the lessons learned from diversity activities and inspiration to understand and appreciate diversity. While social contribution activities carry out community service," he concluded.

The award ceremony which was held at the 2nd floor Auditorium building D of the Ministry of Education and Culture was attended by 55 campus representatives from all over Indonesia, industry partners, media and ministry officials.

Plt. The Directorate General of Higher Education for Research and Technology, Professor Nizam expressed his appreciation for universities which were very fast in transforming and adapting to technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. Apart from that, the 2021 Diktiristek Award event is important in strengthening the pentahelix collaboration, how the media can participate in spreading the spirit of optimism, and reporting positive things in society.

"We thank all universities that have participated in the 2021 Diktiristek Award. From year to year, participants who take part in the Diktiristek Award are increasing," explained Nizam.