UM Surabaya Officially Opens Hospital Administration Masters Study Program

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  • UM Surabaya Officially Opens Hospital Administration Masters Study Program
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Officially Opens Hospital Administration Masters Study Program
  • 06 Jun
  • 2023

Foto penyerahan SK Prodi Magister Administrasi Rumah Sakit Kepada Rektor UM Surabaya (Humas)

UM Surabaya Officially Opens Hospital Administration Masters Study Program

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) officially opened a new study program Masters Program in Hospital Administration Study Program.

The opening of the new study program was marked by the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Number 452/E/O/2023 concerning permission to open the Hospital Administration Study Program.

In the submission of the SK which was submitted directly by the Head of LLDIKTI Region VII Prof. Dyah Sawitri to the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono during the 49th graduation This study program became the 36th study program at UM Surabaya.

In his remarks, Dyah said that the presence of a new study program at UM Surabaya would be an opportunity to create jobs.

"I believe that Superior Human Resources in 2045 can be created from UM Surabaya graduates," said Dyah.

Meanwhile, Sukadiono said, the permit to open the Masters Program Hospital Study Program added new study programs to the UM Surabaya Postgraduate Program.

"Currently there are four Postgraduate Programs including; Masters in Islamic Education, Masters in Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Masters in Sharia Economic Law and Masters in Hospital Administration," said Suko.

He hopes that the issuance of the Hospital Study Program permit will be a catalyst for the birth of other new study programs at UM Surabaya.

Suko emphasized that the opening of the new Hospital Administration Study Program at UM Surabaya was part of the university's development plan and commitment to continue to provide and present optimal academic services and be adapted to developments in the world of health. Suko said, this department has promising job prospects and high job opportunities.

"Hospital Administration Study Program will be opened in the 2023/2024 academic year, of course regarding resources, we have prepared superior and quality human resources. The readiness of infrastructure facilities has also been carefully prepared for the learning process, "said Suko again.

According to his explanation, the hospital administration department is a department that specifically studies the management system of hospitals and health institutions, by exploring various studies on public health, developing the proportion of quality services for health workers, to marketing strategies.

"I am sure that graduates from UM Surabaya, majoring in Hospital Administration, will produce skilled and knowledgeable staff in the field of administration in the hospital industry," concluded Suko.