UM Surabaya Officially Opens Registration for 2023 RPL Past Learning Recognition

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Officially Opens Registration for 2023 RPL Past Learning Recognition
  • 05 Sep
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Officially Opens Registration for 2023 RPL Past Learning Recognition

Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) officially opens registration for Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). This was conveyed by the Head of the Information Institute for New Student Admissions (LIPMB) Radius Setiyawan Tuesday (5/9/23)

Radius said that prospective students who wish to register for the RPL program can register starting today until September 25.

"Prospective students can prepare several requirements such as diplomas, grade transcripts, competency certificates to training certificates, depending on applicants from formal or non-formal education," said Radius

Radius also said that prospective students can choose 25 study programs ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate levels at UM Surabaya.

According to the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation Number. 26 of 2016, Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) is recognition of a person's Learning Achievements obtained from formal or non-formal education, and/or work experience in formal education.

The purpose of RPL is so that people can enter the formal education system or be equated with certain qualifications based on formal, non-formal, informal education or work experience in very specific fields.

So what are the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) study programs at UM Surabaya?

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

·         Bachelor of Education in Indonesian Language and Literature

·         Bachelor of Mathematics Education

·         Bachelor of Biology Education

·         Bachelor of English Education

·         S1 PG PAUD

·         S1 PGSD

faculty of Economics and Business

·         Bachelor of Management

·         Bachelor's Degree in Accounting

faculty of Law

·         Bachelor of Laws

faculty of Psychology

·         Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

Faculty of Engineering

·         Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Jenisn

·         Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering

·         Bachelor of Architecture

·         Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering

·         Marine Engineering SI

Faculty of Islamic Religion

·         Bachelor's Degree in Islamic Religious Education

·         Bachelor of Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhshiyah)

·         Bachelor of Religion Studies (Ushuluddin)

·         Syariah banking

Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK)

·         Bachelor of Science in Nursing

·         D3 Nursing

·         D3 Health Analyst

Nursing Profession

·        Profession Nurse

Postgraduate Study Program

·         Masters in Indonesian Language and Literature Education

·        Master in Sharia Economic Law

For further information, applicants can come directly to the New Student Admissions Information Institute (LIPMB) office or contact the official number at 085852446337 (LIPMB) or visit the official page at