UM Surabaya Officially Opens Executive Work Class, Check Out the Benefits

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Officially Opens Executive Work Class, Check Out the Benefits
  • 10 Apr
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Officially Opens Executive Work Class, Check Out the Benefits

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) officially opened the Executive Working Class (KPE) in the 2023/2024 academic year with a variety of available majors. This was conveyed by the Head of the Information Institute for New Student Admissions (LIPMB) Radius Setiyawan.

Radius said that the UM Surabaya Executive Work Class is a lecture program specifically designed for students who are already working to get a quality education.

According to him, the quality and process of education is designed to be the same as the quality of education on regular days. Each lecture is arranged in a structured and scheduled manner by selecting the best and most experienced teaching staff in their fields, as well as flexible lecture times with a hybrid learning system.

"So in the KPE class the learning system uses a hybrid learning system with learning times on Friday at 15.00-21.00 and Saturday at 08.00-17.00," said Radius Monday (10/4/23)

He further explained, the Executive Working Class Lecture Undergraduate Program with the hybrid learning method is designed for candidates who wish to continue their education to the Bachelor level. The candidates in question are those who work, manage businesses, or who have previously taken Diploma Education (D1, D2, and D3).

"The learning method provided is 50% offline and 50% online. Of course, this will really help students who are studying while working,” he added.

In this Executive Work Class, prospective students can choose 6 faculties with a variety of majors that have been provided including: Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Law (FH), Faculty of Teaching and Education (FKIP), Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) and Faculty of Engineering.

"The Executive Working Class (KPE) registration schedule has entered batch 2 which was opened from April 1 to June 30 2023," he said.

How to Register for the Executive Working Class (KPE)

·         Pay a registration fee of Rp. 350,000

·       Fill in the online and offline registration form at

For high school / vocational high school graduates

·         Uploading KTP files

·         Uploading the Family Card (KK) file

·        Upload legalized diploma files

·         Upload the NEM/SKHUN/Transcript file of legalized value

·        Uploading the work certificate file from the relevant agency.

For D3/Polytechnic/equivalent graduates

·        Upload legalized diploma files

·         Upload legalized value transcript files

·        Uploading the work certificate file from the relevant agency

·         Upload a 3x4 photo file (red background)

·         Upload proof of transfer of fees for the registration form.

So what are the advantages of the UM Surabaya Executive Work Class program? Here are 11 advantages!

·         Study Program Accredited by BAN-PT

·        The curriculum and learning process are arranged systematically so that students graduate on time

·         Flexible lecture schedule

·        The cost of study is affordable and can be paid in installments

·        The educational process is arranged in a structured and scheduled manner so that students graduate on time

·         E-learning facilities are provided so that students can study anywhere without a time limit

·        The quality and process of education are designed to be the same as the Regular Program.

·         There is no age limit for students

·         There is no limit to the last graduation year

·         Complete educational facilities

·        Taught by experienced teaching staff who are professionals in their field