UM Surabaya Wins The Best Higher Education Public Relations Jatim Awards 2023

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  • UM Surabaya Wins The Best Higher Education Public Relations Jatim Awards 2023
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Wins The Best Higher Education Public Relations Jatim Awards 2023
  • 23 May
  • 2023

Foto wakil rektor 3 UM Surabaya Ma'ruf Sya'ban saat menerima penghargaan PR Jatim Awards (Humas)

UM Surabaya Wins The Best Higher Education Public Relations Jatim Awards 2023

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) made another proud achievement, because UM Surabaya won an award at the Public Relations PR Jatim Awards 2023 event on Tuesday (23/5/23)

This award was given to UM Surabaya which has become a private university that has succeeded in publishing innovative products to the public in creating learning innovations and technology with special needs through an android-based automatic wheelchair named "Bima Tuk-Tuk".

Apart from UM Surabaya, the East Java PR award for the best higher education category was also won by Surabaya State University, Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic and Ottimo International.

The event which was held at the Whiz Luxe Hotel Surabaya Ballroom was attended directly by the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Regents from various regions along with the East Java Forkopimda leadership.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban, vice chancellor three in charge of innovation, human resources and student affairs who had the opportunity to receive the PR East Java awards, expressed his pride at the award given by Beritajatim to UM Surabaya. He explained that this achievement was achieved from the hard work of the entire academic community, especially the public relations sector, which has succeeded in becoming a channel of information to the public, be it learning innovation or other information.

"Alhamdulillah, if last year UM Surabaya won an award as the best social media, this year UM Surabaya has the opportunity to become the best higher education PR," said Ma'ruf.

Not only that, on the 17th anniversary of Beritajatim's birth this year, Ma'ruf hopes that UM Surabaya will continue to be consistent in maintaining achievements.

"Hopefully in the East Java award in the coming year UM Surabaya will buy more champions. In the future, the university will continue to adapt to make adjustments and improve all performance from all fields," said Ma'ruf again.

At the end of his statement, Ma'ruf emphasized that the awards received by UM Surabaya will continue to be a spirit in improving the quality of institutional governance, public relations, websites and social media so that UM Surabaya will continue to be useful and become a channel of goodness for the public at large.

It is known, Bima Tuk-Tuk is a wheelchair innovation with tap control for disabled students based on Android which is expected to provide accessibility and mobility for students with disabilities which aims to increase the effectiveness of learning at UM Surabaya.