UM Surabaya Wins Digital Award 2022 Best Social Media Category

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Wins Digital Award 2022 Best Social Media Category
  • 01 Apr
  • 2022

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UM Surabaya Wins Digital Award 2022 Best Social Media Category

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) won an award in the 2022 digital award event for the best social media university category on Thursday (31/3/22)

The event which was held at the Grand Mirama Mercure Hotel Surabaya was attended by Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Listyanto Dardak, Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi, and Regents from various regions along with the East Java Forkopimda leadership.

The best social media college category was won by UM Surabaya, Airlangga University and AWS Stikosa. While the best private company category was won by Unilever Indonesia, PT Campina Ice Cream Industri and PT Mitra Pinasthika Mulia. The best local government was given to Batu City, Mojokerto Regency, Gresik Regency, Banyuwangi Regency and the best BUMD category was given to Bank Jatim.

Special awards were also given to Sidoarjo Regent Ahmad Muhdlor Ali as a driving force for digital transformation in MSMEs and public services and Ika Puspitasari Mayor of Mojokerto as a bearer of the spirit of local wisdom in development programs.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban, vice chancellor three in charge of innovation and human resources, expressed his pride at the award given by Beritajatim to UM Surabaya. He explained that this achievement was achieved from the hard work of public relations and support from various parties.

"This award program is a series of commemorations of the 16th birthday of Beritajatim. It is hoped that UM Surabaya will continue to be consistent in maintaining the achievements that have been awarded, and will continue to improve performance so that it can produce creative, innovative, measurable programs that have a big impact on community,” said Ma'ruf when met in his room.

Ma'ruf explained that there were two categories that were nominated, namely the best website category and the best social media category. The best website and best social media categories include the best universities, the best private companies, BUMD, and the best local governments.

"Alhamdulillah, UM Surabaya has the opportunity to become the best tertiary institution in the social media category, of course this success cannot be separated from the university's public relations which always respond to changing times, are creative and innovative and always adapt to making adjustments to the use of social media," he added again.

Meanwhile, Radius Setiyawan, Head of Public Relations of UM Surabaya, explained that currently UM Surabaya has utilized and managed official social media accounts on eight platforms, starting from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Line, Telegram and WhatsApp.

"The use of various social media is carried out to continue to optimize reach to various segments starting from high school (SMA) students, students, alumni and partners of UM Surabaya. As of April 1, 2022, UM Surabaya's Instagram has 25.6,000 followers," said Radius.

In addition, UM Surabaya will continue to develop the management of the university's website by presenting diverse and varied content, not only about the achievements of the UM Surabaya community, but will also continue to consistently display the views of experts, lecturers, researchers regarding actual and global issues.

"Hopefully UM Surabaya and public relations performance can be more useful and become a channel of goodness for the public more broadly," he concluded.