UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for the Top 5 Class Champions

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for the Top 5 Class Champions
  • 25 Jul
  • 2022

Foto gedung UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for the Top 5 Class Champions

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) opens scholarship opportunities for SMA/MA/SMK equivalent students who are in the top 5 class winners. The scholarship given by UM Surabaya is one of the leading programs or invitational scholarships.

This invitation scholarship is open to all students in Indonesia who have achievements in the top 5 champions in the class. This scholarship has entered batch 3 which has been open from 1 July to 31 August.

Regarding the requirements for this scholarship, of course it is very easy, prospective students only need to get a recommendation from the relevant school and be included in the top 5 class winners.

The Head of the UM Surabaya Information and New Student Admissions Institute (LIPMB) explained the rights that the recipients of the invited scholarships got.

"The right that is obtained related to this scholarship is that one semester's tuition fee is waived," explained Radius on Monday (25/7/22)

According to Radius, there are quite a lot of enthusiasts for this invitational scholarship. This scholarship is not open for the first time, but has been open for the last few years.

"Students who have top 5 achievements in their class can make the best of this opportunity because this scholarship is open to all majors at UM Surabaya except FK," he added.

Radius also emphasized that the impact of the pandemic should not stop education. He asked students who had not been accepted to college not to give up, because there are still many campuses that provide scholarships.

"Not only invitational scholarships, in batch 3 we are still opening various other scholarships such as KIP-K, athletes, influencers, people with disabilities, Muhammadiyah school alumni, cadre scholarships and others," he said.

At the end of his presentation he invited students who were interested in studying at UM Surabaya to register immediately, either through the scholarship route or other routes. Further information regarding the scholarship program at UM Surabaya, prospective students can visit the official website