UM Surabaya becomes the number 1 PTS with the most PKM in East Java

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  • UM Surabaya becomes the number 1 PTS with the most PKM in East Java
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya becomes the number 1 PTS with the most PKM in East Java
  • 16 Jun
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar hasil pemeringkatan (BAKAI)

UM Surabaya becomes the number 1 PTS with the most PKM in East Java

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) managed to rank first as a Private Higher Education (PTS) in East Java with the most proposal funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture.

This year, UM Surabaya succeeded in obtaining funding for 38 proposals for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) with details of 9 Entrepreneurship PKM, 2 Karsa Cipta PKM, 18 Research PKM, 6 Community Service PKM and 3 Social Humanities PKM.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban Deputy Chancellor III for Human Resources Innovation said he was grateful that his campus was in first place. Ma'ruf even said that this first place achievement was not the first time, because in 2022 UM Surabaya also won the first position with the most PKM in Surabaya.

"Of course this is an extraordinary achievement by UM Surabaya under the auspices of the Alumni and Innovation Student Administration Bureau (BAKAI) and the support of all members of the university community," said Ma, ruf Friday (16/6/23)

According to him, what UM Surabaya has achieved successively is proof of the hard work of all parties. He explained the several stages that students must go through so that their proposals can be uploaded perfectly, students must take part in an internal proposal selection which is reviewed directly by the campus reviewer team which involves lecturers according to their respective knowledge.

"This is done so that the proposals sent are not arbitrary and are indeed proper proposals starting from administration to content," he added.

Meanwhile, Khoirul Anam, Head of BAKAI UM Surabaya, emphasized that in the future UM Surabaya will continue to be consistent in maintaining achievements and will continue to improve the performance of various lines.

"Don't be easily satisfied with one or two achievements, if we let our guard down, opportunities will be taken by those who are focused and keep learning," said Khoirul.

As the Head of Bureau that focuses on student affairs, Khoirul hopes that the many PKMs that pass will not only have an impact on students or universities, but will have a big impact on society at large.

"In addition to creative and innovative ideas the Student Creativity Program (PKM) must be able to help the community, be able to provide increased intelligence, skills and community knowledge, community group skills training and development," he concluded.

It is known, in the ranking of the top 10 private and state universities in East Java, UM Surabaya ranks 6th right above Surabaya State University (Unesa). Followed by the 8th rank is Nahdatul Ulama University in Surabaya, the East Java Veterans National Development University is ranked 9th, and 10th is the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).