UM Surabaya Opens Cadre Scholarships, Free Education Funds and Building Fees

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Opens Cadre Scholarships, Free Education Funds and Building Fees
  • 11 May
  • 2023

Foto mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Humas)

UM Surabaya Opens Cadre Scholarships, Free Education Funds and Building Fees

As a leading private campus in East Java, the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) has opened an opportunity for special cadre scholarships for the Islamic Family Law Study Program (HKI) for the Study of Religions for Ma'had Umar Bin Al Khattab class. Cadre scholarships are one of the flagship programs of UM Surabaya which are given to Muhammadiyah organization cadres in the form of free tuition assistance and building fees.

Ma'ruf Sya'ban Deputy Rector III in charge of innovation, human resources and student affairs explained that cadre scholarships are given to prospective new students who have good potential and academic achievements and are active in the Muhammadiyah organization, especially the Autonomous Organization (Ortom).

"Of course, to get this scholarship, applicants must meet the requirements by obtaining a recommendation from the Branch Manager or Branch Manager of Muhammadiyah," said Ma'ruf Thursday (11/5/23)

According to him, if it is declared that the candidate has passed, the student candidate will be freed from building fees, education funds except for forms, UTS/UAS semester registration and practicum for 4 years which will be evaluated every semester.

Meanwhile, prospective students can complete the requirements by:

· Fill out the online registration form and complete the requirements at

· Uploading the last high school/SKL equivalent certificate file if the diploma has not been issued

· Upload grade transcript files

· Upload KTP files

· Uploading family card files

· Upload a 3 x 4 photo file (red background)

· Upload proof of registration fee transfer

Cadre scholarship applicants pay a registration fee of 350,000. For further information, prospective students can visit the official website or the official number 085852446337.