UM Surabaya Gives Free Education Fee Scholarships for the Bonek Community

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  • UM Surabaya Gives Free Education Fee Scholarships for the Bonek Community
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Gives Free Education Fee Scholarships for the Bonek Community
  • 09 Aug
  • 2022

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Gives Free Education Fee Scholarships for the Bonek Community

As a Muhammadiyah College (PTM) that has a high commitment to participate in advancing football in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) held a guest lecture with Aji Santoso, Persebaya Surabaya Coach with the theme "Reading the Future of Football in Indonesia: From School Football to Regeneration of Young Players” at the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Tuesday (9/8/22).

The guest lecture event which was opened in general was attended by hundreds of participants from various backgrounds, ranging from university students, students, bonek, bonita to the Bonek Disaster Response Team (BDRT).

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, explained that the guest lecture with the Persebaya trainer was the first time that UM Surabaya had conducted the event since they collaborated in their third year.

"On this guest lecture opportunity, UM Surabaya will provide scholarships directly to the Bonek Disaster Response Team (BDRT)," explained Suko Tuesday (9/8/22)

It is known that BDRT is the Paramedic Team and SAR under the auspices of Green Nord 27, one of the Persebaya supporters who lived in the northern stands when Persebaya held a match at the Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium (GBT).

Apart from having the SAR capabilities needed when a natural disaster occurs, BDRT also establishes a health post which is always ready to provide medical team assistance to supporters at every match home.

According to Suko, giving scholarships to BDRT is not without reason. Suko emphasized that the awarding of this scholarship is a university commitment in building superior human resources, especially at the supporter level.

"In the future the university wants to strengthen the disaster community related to supporters in Indonesia whose existence still does not exist and needs serious attention," he added.

Not only that, this scholarship program also aims to provide support to BDRT in terms of education so that everyone has the opportunity to study at either undergraduate or diploma level.

Suko also emphasized that BDRT scholarship recipients at UM Surabaya will be free of tuition fees except for the Faculty of Medicine (FK). The requirements are quite easy, that is, by simply showing the Persebaya Forever card, the university will process a scholarship, of course by going through the entrance exam stages like other prospective students.

Finally, Suko invited the Bonek Disaster Response Team (BDRT) to make the best use of this opportunity because UM Surabaya has now entered wave 3.

"The humanitarian action carried out by BDRT when it takes a role when a national or regional disaster occurs, we need to really appreciate it by providing full educational support," he concluded.