UM Surabaya Gives Travel Abroad and Umrah Prizes to 33 Outstanding Lecturers and Education Staff

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Gives Travel Abroad and Umrah Prizes to 33 Outstanding Lecturers and Education Staff
  • 07 Apr
  • 2023

Foto Dosen dan Karyawan Penerima Hadiah Umroh (Dok: Agung Setya BSDI)

UM Surabaya Gives Travel Abroad and Umrah Prizes to 33 Outstanding Lecturers and Education Staff

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) shared blessings on the momentum of the 1444 H Ramadhan Study by giving prizes for traveling abroad and Umrah to 33 Outstanding Lecturers and Education Staff. The announcement was made directly by the Chancellor of UM Surabaya Sukadiono in the At-Tauhid Tower building on Thursday (6/4/23)

In his speech, Sukadiono said that the awarding of overseas trips and umroh was not the first time at UM Surabaya, this was an annual agenda for UM Surabaya in giving awards to lecturers and staff as a form of dedication and hard work while serving at UM Surabaya.

"Of course the awarding of the umrah prize goes through a strict selection process, through an assessment process with certain criteria that has been socialized through the Chancellor's Decree (SK) to all lecturers and staff on campus," said Suko.

The 15 award recipients were awarded to Outstanding Structural Officers, Outstanding Lecturers, Outstanding Education Personnel and Service Based on Years of Service with the following names:

Category of Achievement Structural Officers

1. Radius Setiyawan, S.Pd., M.A (Head of Information Institute for New Student Admissions (LIPMB),

2. Junaidi Fery Efendi, S.Pd., M.Pd (Head of Student, Alumni and Innovation Administration Bureau (BAKAI)

Outstanding Lecturer Category

1. Aristiana Prihatining Rahayu, S.Sos.,M.Med. Kom (Permanent Lecturer of S1 PG PAUD)

Service Category Based on Years of Service

1.Dr. Drs. Ec. Sentot Imam Wahjono, M.Sc (Permanent Lecturer in S2 Sharia Economic Law)

2. Ir. Nastiti Kartikorini, M.Kes (D3 Lecturer in Health Analyst)

3. Diah Ariana, S.T., M.Kes (Permanent Lecturer of D3 Health Analyst)

4. Siti Mardiyah, S.Sc., M.Kes (Permanent Lecturer of D3 Health Analyst)

5.Dr. dr. Mas'ula, M.A (Lecturer of S1 English Education)

6. Ma'ruf Sya'ban, S.T.,S.E.,M.Ak (S1 Lecturer in Accounting)

7. Iful Ruswandi (Driver Permanent Education Personnel)

8. Sumarti, S.Ak (FIK Permanent Education Personnel)

Special Award Category

1. Yusuf Purnomo (Educational Staff of BAU Free Contract),

2. dr. M Yusuf Wibisono Sp.P (K), FCCP (FK Special Lecturer)

Category of Educational Personnel with Achievement (Umroh)

1. Meirna Dewita Sari, S.KM., M.Kes (Permanent Education Staff of the Rector's Secretariat)

Furthermore, in his speech, Suko said that the commitment to giving Umrah was aimed at building UM Surabaya's spirituality and concern for lecturers and staff. According to him, prosperity cannot be measured only from the physical side, but also from the spiritual side.

"Hopefully this umrah gift will add more blessings to UM Surabaya in the future and become a capital for the growth of optimistic, quality works that are increasing," added Suko again.

Not only giving umroh, during the Ramadhan Study, UM Surabaya also gave gifts to 18 outstanding lecturers and employees for trips abroad in the ASEAN region.

18 Lecturers and Outstanding Employees including:

1. Sandha Soemantri, S.Pd., M.Pd (Lecturer in Mathematics Education S1)

2.Dr. Gusti Nur Hafifah, S.Pd., M.Pd (Lecturer of S1 English Education),

3.Dr. Drs. Warsidi, M,M (Lecturer in S2 Sharia Economic Law),

4. Retno Sumara, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep (Lecturer of Bachelor of Nursing).

5. Dr. Siti Attiyatul Fahiroh M.SI (Psychology Lecturer)

6. Anis Rosyiatul Husna S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep (Lecturer of Bachelor of Nursing)

7.Dr. Sokhibul Arifin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I (Lecturer of S1 Islamic Religious Education),

8. Muhammad Maulana Mas'udi (Lc., M.Pd.I (Lecturer in the Study of Religions),

9. Saiful Ibnu Hamzah, S.Ag., M.A (Lecturer of S1 Islamic Family Law)

10. Dr. Syafitri Elistia Masruroh (FK Administrative Staff),

11. Vita Kusuma, S.T (BAA Administrative Staff),

12. Luki Hartono, S.Th.I., M.Pd (FAI Administrative Staff),

13. Syahria Tara Dia Ulya, S.H.,S.Sy (LPM Administrative Staff),

14. May Indra Rinny, S.S (Administrative Staff of the Rector's Secretariat),

15. Basit Barnas Nitisaputra, S. Kom (BAA Administrative Staff),

16. Agung Setya Budi, S.E (BSDI Administrative Staff),

17. Derry Kurniawan, A.Md. Kep (FIK Laboratory Staff),

18. Elmi Tri Yuliandari, S.Pd (FKIP Laboratory Staff)

19. Titis Suryanty Eka Putri, S.Pd (Administrative Staff of the Rector's Secretariat)

"So this year there are a total of 33 who received the award. 15 consisted of Umrah recipients and 18 abroad in the ASEAN region," concluded Suko.