UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for Local Residents, Check the Benefits

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for Local Residents, Check the Benefits
  • 21 Jun
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for Local Residents, Check the Benefits

As a leading private campus in East Java and Indonesia, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) opens scholarship opportunities for local residents who live in Mulyorejo District and its surroundings. This scholarship program is not the first time that UM Surabaya has given it, because this scholarship has been open for the last few years.

For those who want to register, the requirements given are quite easy. Prospective students must obtain a recommendation from the RT head as a native of the Mulyorejo District by showing an Identity Card (KTP).

Head of the Institute for Information and New Student Admissions (LIPMB) Radius Setiyawan said that prospective students who have passed the scholarship from local residents will get a 25% discount on the building fee.

"Those who pass will automatically get a 25% discount for all majors at UM Surabaya except for FK and FKG," he said.

This local resident scholarship has entered wave two which will close on June 30, 2023.

Apart from the recommendation from the Head of the RT, several requirements must be uploaded when registering, including: uploading legalized certificate/SKL files if the certificate has not been issued, uploading KTP/KK files and uploading a 3x4 color passport photo (any color)

For information, scholarships for residents around the Muhamamdiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) can be used for the following faculties:

Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI)

·       S1 S1 Islamic Religious Education (Tarbiyah)

·        S1 Islamic Family Law (HKI / Syari'ah)

·        S1 Bachelor of Religion Studies (Ushuluddin)

·        S1 Sharia Banking

Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)

·        S1 Management

·        S1 Accounting

Faculty of Law (FH)

·        S1 in Law

Faculty of Psychology (FPsi)

·        S1 Psychology

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)

·        S1 Indonesian Language and Literature Education

·        S1 English Language Education

·        S1 Mathematics Education

·        S1 Biology Education

·        S1 PG PAUD

·        S1 PGSD

·         S1 Visual Communication Design (DKV)

Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK)

·        S1 Nursing

·        S1 Midwifery

·        S1 Physiotherapy

·        S1 Pharmacy

·        D3 Nursing

·        D3 Medical Laboratory Technology (Health Analyst)

·        D4 Medical Laboratory Technology (Health Analyst)

Faculty of Engineering (FT)

·        S1 Electrical Engineering

·         S1 Marine Engineering

·        S1 Mechanical Engineering

·        S1 Civil Engineering

·        S1 Architectural Engineering

·        S1 Industrial Engineering

·        S1 Informatics Engineering

Those are the study majors available at UM Surabaya and can be accessed using scholarships around the 2023/2024 academic year. For complete information, prospective students can access the campus' official website at or 085852446337