UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for Men/Daughters for Health Workers, 40% Discount on Development Funds

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Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for Men/Daughters for Health Workers, 40% Discount on Development Funds
  • 15 Aug
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar mahasiswa UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

UM Surabaya Provides Scholarships for Men/Daughters for Health Workers, 40% Discount on Development Funds

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) provides scholarship opportunities for sons and daughters of health workers, 40% discount on development funds. This was conveyed by Vice Chancellor 1 UM Surabaya M. Ridlwan who is in charge of the academic field.

Currently, UM Surabaya new student registration has entered its third batch and will close on August 31.

Ridlwan said that the scholarships for the sons/daughters of health workers are valid for new students who enroll in the D3 Nursing Study Program, D3 Medical Laboratory Technology, D4 Medical Laboratory Technology, S1 Midwifery and S1 Physiotherapy.

"The conditions are only to show a professional membership card and follow the selection process that has been determined by the campus," said Ridlwan.

Ridlwan explained, the selection process that needs to be followed is CBT, psychological and health tests. After going through all the selection processes and being declared passed, students will automatically get a 40% discount on development funds.

Ridlwan added that this scholarship program does not apply to health workers who work as doctors and dentists.

At the end of his statement, he invited students who had not yet gotten to a campus and wanted to continue on to higher education majoring in health to take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible.

For complete information, applicants can visit the official UM Surabaya website or the official number 085852446337