Muhammadiyah's Best Figure Buya Syafii Passes Away, UM Surabaya Chancellor Conveys This

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Gambar Berita Muhammadiyah's Best Figure Buya Syafii Passes Away, UM Surabaya Chancellor Conveys This
  • 27 May
  • 2022

Buya Syafii Maarif (Geotimes)

Muhammadiyah's Best Figure Buya Syafii Passes Away, UM Surabaya Chancellor Conveys This

Indonesia and Muhammadiyah have lost Muslim intellectuals who are qualified and have high scientific integrity. Buya Ahmad Syafii Maarif reportedly passed away on Friday, May 27 2022 at 10.15 WIB.

The man who is familiarly called Buya Syafii is an Indonesian scholar and scholar who has served as chairman of PP Muhammadiyah and has served as President of the World Conference on Religion For Peace (WCRP) and founder of the Maarif Institute.

"Personally, I know Buya as a light person. I must say that the growing development of UM Surabaya is inseparable from his role and thoughts," said Suko when met in his room, Friday (27/5/22)

According to Suko, Indonesia and Muhammadiyah lost national figures whose thoughts and actions were used as role models. Buya is a role model and teacher who teaches life in simplicity, far from hedonism and social pragmatism.

According to him again, Buya was a simple person but full of thoughts who always tried to come up with solutions to the problems of the Indonesian nation.

"Hopefully he will be husnul khotimah, his deeds of worship will be accepted, his mistakes will be forgiven, his grave will be widened and he will be placed in jannatun na'im," said Suko.

In his opinion, the mirror of simplicity in Buya is very important to be internalized into each individual person, especially members of the Muhammadiyah organization as a step in growing spiritualism and a perspective of thinking as well as acting.

"Goodbye Buya, Muhammadiyah will continue its fighting spirit to build the nation and Buya's thoughts will continue to be an atmosphere that we will always sow in our lives," he concluded.