Improving Muhammadiyah Understanding and Ideology, LPAIK UM Surabaya held Baitul Arqam

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Gambar Berita Improving Muhammadiyah Understanding and Ideology, LPAIK UM Surabaya held Baitul Arqam
  • 10 Mar
  • 2022

Foto Baitul Arqam UM Surabaya 2022

Improving Muhammadiyah Understanding and Ideology, LPAIK UM Surabaya held Baitul Arqam

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) through the Institute for the Study of Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyah (LPAIK) held Baitul Arqam (BA) offline and online on March 9-12 2022. This BA agenda is a mandatory agenda that must be followed by all Muhammadiyah Higher Education Academics /Aisyiah (PTM).

In the context of cadre formation in PTMA, the existence of the Muhammadiyah Cadre System (SPM) is important to be placed as an "umbrella cadre" within the Persyarikatan environment. This is not only because the SPM was raised by the Central Leadership of Muhammadiyah, but also so that cadre formation becomes an organizational culture in all lines and organizational structures.

The Chancellor of the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya), in his speech, conveyed that the regeneration process carried out at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya for lecturers and education staff through Baitul Arqam is a concept of an approach to religious learning that includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects, so that it can produce lecturers and Education personnel who are able to develop knowledge, attitudes and morals according to the Qur'an & Sunnah

Besides that, Arin Setiyowati as Head of LPAIK UM Surabaya explained the urgency of implementing Baitul Arqam (BA) is the implementation of PTMA's position as a means of cadre to strengthen ideology and commitment to serve in AUM and organization.

"So in practice it must be built in and designed in a by-design and holistic way in the process of carrying out education at PTMA. In addition, cadre is part of the organizational culture and is part of the commitment of leaders, lecturers/teachers to implement systemic policies on cadre at PTMA," explained Arin.

Arin also explained that Baitul Arqam (BA) this time was a derivative program from one of the University's performance indicators according to AIK quality standards in PTMA which was based on the Muhammadiyah Cadres Quality Standard (SPM) which was modified from darul arqam with specifications applied to PTMA under the coordination of the Assembly. Cadre Education (MPK).

In session 1, the Baitul Arqam (BA) for UM Surabaya lecturers and education staff was carried out by LPAIK UM Surabaya together with MPK PWM East Java which was carried out in a blended learning (Online and Offline) manner with sorting the number of participants based on working period which would be continued in the second session and third for the next lecturers and students with a working period of more than 5 years,

"Hopefully this event will be able to add to the understanding and ideology of Muhammadiyah for all lecturers and educational staff so as to ignite a sense of solemnity in the process at UM Surabaya," concluded Arin.