Not only educating the community about data leaks, thousands of new UM Surabaya students also distributed hundreds of basic food packages

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  • Not only educating the community about data leaks, thousands of new UM Surabaya students also distributed hundreds of basic food packages
Gambar Berita Not only educating the community about data leaks, thousands of new UM Surabaya students also distributed hundreds of basic food packages
  • 02 Oct
  • 2022

Foto mahasiswa UM Surabaya saat edukasi masyarakat dan menyerahkan paket sembako (Humas)

Not only educating the community about data leaks, thousands of new UM Surabaya students also distributed hundreds of basic food packages

Thousands of new students at the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) are involved in the community to educate the importance of maintaining the security of personal data, which has recently become a serious problem. The action of going into the community was carried out as a form of social project for the Mastama Ordik and UKM Expo (MOX) agenda on Sunday (2/10/22)

Not only educating the public, thousands of students also distributed hundreds of basic food packages containing basic ingredients such as rice and noodles.

Lukman Hakim as the MOX Steering Committee (SC) explained that new UM Surabaya students were distributed to 35 points in the Sutorejo Mulyorejo area.

"Hopefully this activity will be a reminder for the public to be more aware of personal data protection," said Lukman.

According to him, the problem of data leakage that has occurred recently must be taken seriously because the impact can be fatal.

“In addition to avoiding threats of sexual harassment, online bullying. Efforts to protect personal data need to be carried out to prevent irresponsible persons or parties and avoid potential defamation," he added.

Meanwhile, Ma'ruf Sya'ban, Vice Chancellor for three academic and student affairs fields, explained that the action of thousands of students joining the community received full support from the university.

"This educational action for the community is also accompanied by Social Service (Baksos) by distributing food packages to people in need," said Ma'ruf.

He hopes that the 500 basic food packages distributed can help post-pandemic communities and provide learning for new students to continue sharing and collaborating.