Traveling Thousands of Kilometers from Central Kalimantan to Solo, Cyclists at the Congress of UM Surabaya are Welcomed by the Chancellor of UM Surabaya and Given a Bicycle Prize

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Gambar Berita Traveling Thousands of Kilometers from Central Kalimantan to Solo, Cyclists at the Congress of UM Surabaya are Welcomed by the Chancellor of UM Surabaya and Given a Bicycle Prize
  • 11 Nov
  • 2022

Foto Rektor UM Surabaya saat menyambut pesepeda Muktamar asal Kalteng di halaman UM Surabaya (Humas)

Traveling Thousands of Kilometers from Central Kalimantan to Solo, Cyclists at the Congress of UM Surabaya are Welcomed by the Chancellor of UM Surabaya and Given a Bicycle Prize

Four connoisseurs of the Muktamar H Ali Imran from Kapuas Regency, AKP (Purn) Darmadi from Kapuas Regency, Ganda Ganjar Gunartika from Palangkaraya City and Suyatman from Palangkaraya City arrived at UM Surabaya after riding a bicycle for 5 days from Palangkaraya. Arriving at UM Surabaya, the cheerleader from Tandes Samsul Hadi will also join the gowes team, adding 1 person.

The five of them intend to attend the 48th Muhammadiyah Muktamar in Surakarta, Solo, which will take place on November 19-20. This was done as an effort to promote the Muktamar Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah.

UM Surabaya Chancellor Sukadiono warmly welcomed the arrival of the congress fans who rode ontel bicycles in the campus field on Friday (11/11/22)

In his remarks, Suko said that he was touched and amazed by the enthusiasm shown by the 4 congress fans from Kalimantan. According to him, this was one of the broadcasts of the Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Conference which was not carried out by all members of the Muhammadiyah organization.

Suko said that the five cheerleaders were Muhammadiyah members who really cared about the greatness of Muhammadiyah.

When asked, apparently the journey of the four goweser did not go easy. When arriving at Kapuas Regency, 2 bicycles were damaged, so they had to be serviced first and replaced with bicycles. Hearing this story, the Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, spontaneously gave one of his polygon bicycles.

"So the owner of the bicycle that was damaged in Kapuas is a bit worried, afraid there will be obstacles on the next trip," said Suko.

According to him, the gift of a bicycle to one of the cheerleaders of the Muktamar is a form of support for UM Surabaya for the association's members who have a big heart for Muhammadiyah at an age that is no longer young but has an extraordinary fighting spirit. Not only that, UM Surabaya also gave compassion in the form of pocket money to 5 cheerleaders which was given directly.

"As a university leader, I hope that the positive energy carried out by the 4 cheerleaders of the Muktamar can be transmitted to the community members, especially in the UM Surabaya environment in enlivening the Muktamar," added Suko.

Meanwhile, Ali Imron, chairman of Goes, said that apart from carrying out the mission to celebrate the Conference, it seems that he and his team are members of the Association of Indonesian Old Bike Communities (KOSTI).

"So in preparing physically, we cycle 20 kg every day in the morning, 20 kg in the afternoon," said Imran.

As provisions to make the trip go smoothly, Imran and his team brought sarongs, skullcaps, medicine, bicycle tires and a few change of T-shirts. To fill the energy he chose to buy food at the shop.

At the end of his presentation, Imran hoped that the 48th Muktamar would run smoothly, be successful and make Muhammadiyah shine more, be useful not only in Indonesia but also in the world.

Finally, to get to Surakarta, the five cheerleaders of the Conference had to take the route from Palangka Raya City, Knife Island, Kuala Kapuas, Banjarmasin, Trisakti Harbor by boat to Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Jombang, Nganjuk, Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi, Sragen, Karanganyar and arrived in Solo City (Surakarta).