Handling the Psychosocial Victims of Semeru, UM Surabaya Sends Young Doctors

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Gambar Berita Handling the Psychosocial Victims of Semeru, UM Surabaya Sends Young Doctors
  • 12 Dec
  • 2021

Foto dokter muda UM Surabaya saat lakukan aktivitas dukungan kesehatan jiwa (Dokumentasi: Humas UM Surabaya)

Handling the Psychosocial Victims of Semeru, UM Surabaya Sends Young Doctors

Several days after the eruption of Mount Semeru in Lumajang. University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) sent six volunteer young doctors to the evacuation site to provide mental health and psychosocial treatment and support. This agenda has been carried out since December 9, 2021.

Era Catur Prasetya, supervising lecturer for young doctors who also serves as the coordinator of the psychosocial division of the East Java Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC), revealed the importance of mental health management for disaster victims. This effort must be carried out by involving many elements.

“The mental health treatment agenda for victims is something very important. The UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine and the East Java MDMC collaborated with several elements hand in hand to provide assistance. One of them is PDSKJI (Indonesian Psychiatric Association). We also work with dr. Haryoto Lumajang to follow up the condition of victims who experience mental health problems." said Era Catur Prasetya, a psychiatrist who is also a lecturer at FK UM Surabaya.

The mentoring agenda is located in Sumbermujur Village, Penanggal Village, Tempeh Tengah Village and Ulul Albab Islamic Boarding School.

Wichda Shirosa Nerly, one of the young doctors explained that the team had identified the elderly and psychological conditions of the children at the evacuation posts.

"The way we know that elderly victims are experiencing mental health problems is by looking at their expressions. Are they depressed, alone, crying, or other conditions that reflect anxiety. Then we approached him and tried to talk to him, starting from asking how he was, to asking about hopes for the future," said Nerly in a written statement (11/12/2021).

From the existing conditions, Nerly also explained that volunteer doctors there provided assistance ranging from information access, logistical assistance, to reuniting separated families.

Apart from that, Muhammad Ramzi, a young doctor at UM Surabaya, added that the data on victims with mental health problems would be followed up with a follow-up plan with dr. Haryoto Lumajang.

"All of our activities must be continued until the victim's psychological condition is stable and returns to normal. One that concerns us is the victim of the child's age. Since the beginning we invite them to do fun activities. From playing, coloring, to being given gifts to make them happy and reduce their anxiety," said Ramzi, a young doctor who is also an activist in Muhammadiyah.

As is well known, UM Surabaya will distribute several aids to help accelerate the process of handling the Semeru eruption disaster. From fielding volunteers, young doctors to logistical assistance. All of these things will be carried out in stages and in collaboration with many parties.