Not only graduating 3.5 years, Nurul Afifah also achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0

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  • Not only graduating 3.5 years, Nurul Afifah also achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0
Gambar Berita Not only graduating 3.5 years, Nurul Afifah also achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0
  • 03 Jun
  • 2023

Nurul Afifah Wisudawan Terbaik UM Surabaya (Humas)

Not only graduating 3.5 years, Nurul Afifah also achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0

Becoming a scholar with a perfect GPA is certainly the dream of many people. This was proven by a student from Central Kalimantan, Nurul Afifah, who won the highest GPA, namely 4.0. The woman who was called Nurul majored in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UM Surabaya.

Apparently, apart from achieving a cumlaude GPA of 4.0, Nurul also managed to finish quickly, namely 3.5 years. Nurul was successfully accepted at UM Surabaya through the Ministry of Education and Culture's leading scholarship route. It was thanks to the scholarship that Nurul received free educational facilities starting from tuition fees, living expenses and book fees.

When asked why she chose to major in PG PAUD, apparently the daughter of the Witono and Rofikoh pair had stopped after graduating from vocational school, she chose to help teach at a kindergarten near her home. Thanks to her one-year dedication, Nurul received a recommendation from the Aisyiyah Regional Leader to take the Ministry of Education and Culture's flagship scholarship.

Various National and International Achievements

 Nurul admitted that what she achieved today was a dream that she wrote down on paper and even on the walls of her room. According to him, since the beginning of entering college, he had targeted a cum laude GPA and graduated quickly, but he did not expect that the result would be perfect, namely 4.

"Alhamdulillah, finally according to what I targeted, from the past I always wrote down what I wanted to be goals in my life, I actually wrote it down on paper, because I didn't want it to just be wishful thinking," said Nurul Friday (2/6/23)

According to his confession, when he was still in junior high school, Nurul used to win at the district level, starting from the 2015 district level O2SN painting competition, the 2015 provincial vocal solo nomination. 3 skilled Indonesian agile at the district level.

It didn't stop there, when she was a student, Nurul continued to make achievements. He has won 2nd place in the 2021 National Microtaeching competition, 3rd place in the National-level teaching simulation competition - UPI 2021, finalist in the top 10 aptitude posters and participated in the International Credit Transfer (ICT) 2021 Asia University Taiwan.

Apparently apart from excelling in academic terms, Nurul also excels in non-academic fields. In the midst of his busy life as a student he is also an active member of Hizbul Wathon, active in the Central Kalimantan student association, and even became the General Chairperson of the UM Surabaya PG PAUD student association (2021-2022). Nurul is also active in Nasyiatul Aisyiyah, being a Language Ambassador for UM Surabaya and serving as secretary for the Immawati field of the Muhamamdiyah Student Association (IMM).

When asked about tips for himself, he explained five things including: first, having a high curiosity about any new knowledge that is supported by actions to find out.

"Second, in my opinion, always study hard and be active in every activity both in class and outside the campus, the point is don't be a student who just goes to college and goes home," he said.

Third, utilizing what is around, one of which is technology as a material to gain new knowledge beyond the material that has been obtained in college.

Fourth, believe that every prayer and effort will definitely produce results.

“Finally, if we want to achieve an extraordinary result then we must have a target that we will strive to achieve. Of course it is balanced with trying and praying,” he added.

Nurul admitted that when someone fills their mind with positive things, it will encourage someone to take positive and beneficial actions.

"On the other hand, keep our minds away from negative things that might hinder us from progressing and developing, because success starts with thoughts and desires followed by actions," he concluded.