The 47th Graduation of the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya was held in Hybrid. At the graduation which was held at the At Tauhid Tower building from 20-22 November 2021, 1136 students graduated [Read More]
After struggling in college and completing his thesis well, graduation is the moment you look forward to. However, Syaiful Rizal's Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) student did not feel that. A [Read More]
The 47th Graduation at University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya will be held from 20-22 November 2021 in a hybrid manner. Of the thousands of students who graduated in this period, there were 4 students [Read More]
Becoming a doctor is the dream of many people. Including Clevia Revi Maretha. Clevia is the best graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya at her 47th graduation toda [Read More]
Cita-cita untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan adalah keinginan setiap orang. Dibalik perayaan kelulusan, banyak cerita-cerita inspiratif yang patut diapresiasi perjuanganya. Seperti yang dialami Adelita [Read More]