Cita-cita untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan adalah keinginan setiap orang. Dibalik perayaan kelulusan, banyak cerita-cerita inspiratif yang patut diapresiasi perjuanganya. Seperti yang dialami Adelita [Read More]
Five students from the UM Surabaya Teaching and Education Faculty successfully passed and were funded by the 2021 Indonesia Innovation Talent Program. Of the 4,116 applicants, UM Surabaya students [Read More]
The UM Surabaya Team won the national level competition with a total score of 86.6965, right above Universitas Brawijaya. The UM Surabaya team won 2nd place in the Bridge Construction Competition o [Read More]
University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students Sindi Novelia Team, Nurusy Syahrotir Rohmah, Nida Faticha Risalah, Shofia Al Falah and Triska Ilma Wardhani successfully passed the 35th N [Read More]
University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya Medical Faculty students launched the Aikkochildcare application as an effort to deal with stunting in the City of Heroes. Head of the Department of Pediatrics, [Read More]