The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) invites lecturers and researchers at UM Surabaya to synergize regarding economic recovery in the tourism sector due to the COVID-19 pand [Read More]
Waode Hamsia, a Doctor of Educational Technology and also a Lecturer in English Education at FKIP UM Surabaya, explained that the current pandemic condition is the right momentum to learn English. [Read More]
Tapak Suci athletes from UM Surabaya won in various categories at the fourth inter-university virtual version of the Tapak Suci National Championship held at Sebelas Maret State University in Decem [Read More]
UM Surabaya athletes never stop achieving. 4 UM Surabaya athletes won 5 trophies at the National Jujitsu event held by Surabaya State University (UNESA) December 10-12 2021. The sports championship [Read More]
CI-EL Campus Competition, the largest business case competition in East Java, which this year has the theme "SMEs Transformation Towards Sustainability". The team from UM Surabaya Naila Akmalia, Mo [Read More]
UM Surabaya menerima kunjungan kerja dari Univesitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon dalam rangka optimalisasi peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat serta bertukar penga [Read More]