Siswa News

Gambar Berita Hasan and Husin Duo Twins from Madura Become Young Doctors
  • 20 Nov
  • 2021

Hasan and Husin Duo Twins from Madura Become Young Doctors

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya held the 47th graduation ceremony for the November 2021 period. In this graduation there was something special, namely there were two identical twin students fro [Read More]
Gambar Berita Polemic Response from Permendikbudristek, LKG UM Surabaya Holds Discussion
  • 16 Nov
  • 2021

Polemic Response from Permendikbudristek, LKG UM Surabaya Holds Discussion

The UM Surabaya Institute for Gender Studies (LKG) held a discussion with the theme "Free Sex in Permendikbudristek No 30 of 2021: Really? The event which took place virtual zoom (15/11/21) was att [Read More]
Gambar Berita 8 UM Surabaya Students Pass the Indonesian Innovation Talent Program
  • 15 Nov
  • 2021

8 UM Surabaya Students Pass the Indonesian Innovation Talent Program

Eight UM Surabaya students successfully passed and were funded by the 2021 Indonesian Innovation Talent Program. Of the 4,116 applicants, UM Surabaya students successfully passed and were funded af [Read More]
Gambar Berita In this prestigious event, five UM Surabaya students won 3 categories, namely the poster category, the PKM PM presentation category and the Exact Research category.
  • 15 Nov
  • 2021

In this prestigious event, five UM Surabaya students won 3 categories, namely the poster category, the PKM PM presentation category and the Exact Research category.

Five students from the UM Surabaya Teaching and Education Faculty successfully passed and were funded by the 2021 Indonesia Innovation Talent Program. Of the 4,116 applicants, UM Surabaya students [Read More]
Gambar Berita Creating Geometry Puppet Innovations from Plastic Waste, UM Surabaya Students Pass PIMNAS
  • 03 Nov
  • 2021

Creating Geometry Puppet Innovations from Plastic Waste, UM Surabaya Students Pass PIMNAS

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students Sindi Novelia Team, Nurusy Syahrotir Rohmah, Nida Faticha Risalah, Shofia Al Falah and Triska Ilma Wardhani successfully passed the 35th N [Read More]
Gambar Berita The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Welcomes the Return of XX PON Athletes
  • 27 Oct
  • 2021

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Welcomes the Return of XX PON Athletes

9 Students and Athletes who competed in PON XX Papua received appreciation and bonuses from the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Bonuses were given directly by the Chancellor and his staff in a [Read More]