Rpl News

Gambar Berita Pendaftaran Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) UM Surabaya Dibuka 11 Desember hingga 31 Maret
  • 15 Dec
  • 2023

Pendaftaran Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) UM Surabaya Dibuka 11 Desember hingga 31 Maret

Pendaftaran Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) UM Surabaya gelombang 1 resmi dibuka mulai tanggal 11 Desember hingga 31 Maret 2023. Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) adalah pengakuan atas C [Read More]
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Officially Opens Registration for 2023 RPL Past Learning Recognition
  • 05 Sep
  • 2023

UM Surabaya Officially Opens Registration for 2023 RPL Past Learning Recognition

Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) officially opens registration for Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). This was conveyed by the Head of the Information Institute for New Student Admis [Read More]