Ri News

Gambar Berita The Story of Asep Budiyanto, A Student Who Dedicates Himself to Teaching Mothers and Children Who Successfully Graduated Without a Thesis
  • 03 Jun
  • 2023

The Story of Asep Budiyanto, A Student Who Dedicates Himself to Teaching Mothers and Children Who Successfully Graduated Without a Thesis

Asep Budiyanto, a student from Pekalongan, Central Java, has an inspiring life, because since he was a student, Asep has been teaching recitation groups for mothers and children. The daughter of th [Read More]
Gambar Berita Menparekraf Signs Collaboration with UM Surabaya, Following are the Four Implementations
  • 25 May
  • 2023

Menparekraf Signs Collaboration with UM Surabaya, Following are the Four Implementations

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno through the Superkey Consulting Group (SCG) Sandination emphasized cooperation with UM Surabaya which was marked by a photo w [Read More]
Gambar Berita Many Comments from BRIN Researchers Sounded a Threat to Muhammadiyah Members, This Said a Legal Expert at UM Surabaya
  • 25 Apr
  • 2023

Many Comments from BRIN Researchers Sounded a Threat to Muhammadiyah Members, This Said a Legal Expert at UM Surabaya

Polemic comments threatening Muhammadiyah members are currently circulating on social media, this began with the statement of the Research Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Re [Read More]
Gambar Berita The law of exchanging money, does it include usury? The following is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya Lecturer
  • 11 Apr
  • 2023

The law of exchanging money, does it include usury? The following is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya Lecturer

The phenomenon of exchanging money ahead of Eid has become a tradition in society. The context of this exchange is usually called trading money for money. Judging from Islamic law, the process of t [Read More]
Gambar Berita The figure of Lukman Hakim, a lecturer at UM Surabaya who used to be a cleaning service until he became a construction worker
  • 06 Jan
  • 2023

The figure of Lukman Hakim, a lecturer at UM Surabaya who used to be a cleaning service until he became a construction worker

No one thought that the life of Lukman Hakim, a lecturer and head of the UM Surabaya Information Technology Center (PTI), could change drastically. The wheel of fate turns for this man from Trengga [Read More]
Gambar Berita Dozens of UM Surabaya Students Graduated Without a Thesis, Here's the Story
  • 30 Oct
  • 2022

Dozens of UM Surabaya Students Graduated Without a Thesis, Here's the Story

Dozens of University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) students graduated without working on their thesis. This can happen because it uses a conversion scheme.In the conversion scheme, [Read More]