UM Surabaya athletes never stop achieving. 4 UM Surabaya athletes won 5 trophies at the National Jujitsu event held by Surabaya State University (UNESA) December 10-12 2021. The sports championship [Read More]
UM Surabaya menerima kunjungan kerja dari Univesitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon dalam rangka optimalisasi peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat serta bertukar penga [Read More]
Becoming a doctor is the dream of many people. Including Clevia Revi Maretha. Clevia is the best graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya at her 47th graduation toda [Read More]
Eight UM Surabaya students successfully passed and were funded by the 2021 Indonesian Innovation Talent Program. Of the 4,116 applicants, UM Surabaya students successfully passed and were funded af [Read More]