Pon News

Gambar Berita Atlet UM Surabaya Sisilia Agustiani Ora dan Gaby Dara Ayu Raih Best of The Best di Kejuaraan Internasional Karate Championship
  • 27 Dec
  • 2023

Atlet UM Surabaya Sisilia Agustiani Ora dan Gaby Dara Ayu Raih Best of The Best di Kejuaraan Internasional Karate Championship

Dua Atlet cantik  UM Surabaya Sisilia Agustiani Ora Prodi (S1 Manajemen) dan Gaby Dara Ayu Salsabillah (S1 Psikologi) berhasil raih best of the best di Kejuaraan Internasional Karate Ch [Read More]
Gambar Berita The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Welcomes the Return of XX PON Athletes
  • 27 Oct
  • 2021

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya Welcomes the Return of XX PON Athletes

9 Students and Athletes who competed in PON XX Papua received appreciation and bonuses from the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Bonuses were given directly by the Chancellor and his staff in a [Read More]
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Students Invite Farming in the City Through Kampoeng Hydroponics
  • 15 Oct
  • 2021

UM Surabaya Students Invite Farming in the City Through Kampoeng Hydroponics

A group of students who are members of the Accounting Study Program Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) invites people to farm [Read More]