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Gambar Berita New Student Registration for FKG UM Surabaya Opens in Early May 2023, Check the Quota
  • 28 Apr
  • 2023

New Student Registration for FKG UM Surabaya Opens in Early May 2023, Check the Quota

The UM Surabaya Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) will soon open registration for the first batch of new students in early May 2023.There are 25 quotas provided for prospective new students in two [Read More]
Gambar Berita Many Comments from BRIN Researchers Sounded a Threat to Muhammadiyah Members, This Said a Legal Expert at UM Surabaya
  • 25 Apr
  • 2023

Many Comments from BRIN Researchers Sounded a Threat to Muhammadiyah Members, This Said a Legal Expert at UM Surabaya

Polemic comments threatening Muhammadiyah members are currently circulating on social media, this began with the statement of the Research Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Re [Read More]
Gambar Berita Haedar Nashir Re-Elected as Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Chancellor of UM Surabaya: He is an exemplary figure
  • 24 Nov
  • 2022

Haedar Nashir Re-Elected as Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Chancellor of UM Surabaya: He is an exemplary figure

Haedar Nashir was re-elected as General Chair of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive for the next five years 2022-2027 at the 48th Muktamar session on Sunday (20/11/22) in Solo, Central Java. [Read More]
Gambar Berita Visit the UM Surabaya Booth, Ketum PP Muhammadiyah Tests Smart Chair Innovation
  • 17 Nov
  • 2022

Visit the UM Surabaya Booth, Ketum PP Muhammadiyah Tests Smart Chair Innovation

The general chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Haedar Nasir, visited the UM Surabaya student innovation exhibition booth. When he arrived at the location, Haedar tried to ride the inno [Read More]
Gambar Berita Muhammadiyah Conference Attended by 3 Million People, UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips to Protect Yourself from Dense Crowds
  • 15 Nov
  • 2022

Muhammadiyah Conference Attended by 3 Million People, UM Surabaya Lecturers Share Tips to Protect Yourself from Dense Crowds

The 48 Muktamar Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah which will be held on 18-20 November 2022 is expected to be attended by 3 million people. This was conveyed by the congress committee and did not rule out [Read More]
Gambar Berita Encourage AIK as Spirit in PTMA, LPAIK UM Surabaya Launches New Learning Design
  • 22 Sep
  • 2022

Encourage AIK as Spirit in PTMA, LPAIK UM Surabaya Launches New Learning Design

Institute for the Study of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (LPAIK) UM Surabaya, held a socialization and AIK learning design workshop at the At-Tauhid Tower Building UM Surabaya on (19/9/22)Th [Read More]