Berliana Indah Shafa Putri, a UM Surabaya Bachelor of Nursing Study Program (Prodi) student was named the winner of 2nd place in league 2 of the National Level Achievement Student Selection (PILMAP [Read More]
Indonesia and Muhammadiyah have lost Muslim intellectuals who are qualified and have high scientific integrity. Buya Ahmad Syafii Maarif reportedly passed away on Friday, May 27 2022 at 10.15 WIB. [Read More]
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UMSurabaya) as one of the best Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) in Indonesia, progress in the field of development is an important marker. Coinciding with the Ra [Read More]
Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah (PWM) East Java held a Ramadan study which was held at the At-Tauhid Tower building, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) and was attended directly [Read More]
University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) received an award as an inclusive campus that is disabled-friendly from the Community Empowerment Council (MPM) of the Central Executive (PP) Muham [Read More]
In improving the quality of Islamic and Muhammadiyah education staff at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya), the Institute for Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Studies (LPAIK) is hol [Read More]