Lkg News

Gambar Berita Lembaga Kajian Gender UM Surabaya Gelar Sekolah Perempuan, Ini Kegiatannya
  • 12 Oct
  • 2023

Lembaga Kajian Gender UM Surabaya Gelar Sekolah Perempuan, Ini Kegiatannya

Kerjasama yang erat terjalin antara Lembaga Kajian Gender UM Surabaya, Fakultas Agama Islam UM Surabaya, dan Ketua Majelis Tabligh serta Ketarjihan Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah Surabaya. Kegiatan terse [Read More]
Gambar Berita LKG UM Surabaya Provides Solutions to Prevent Sexual Violence in Higher Education
  • 19 Feb
  • 2022

LKG UM Surabaya Provides Solutions to Prevent Sexual Violence in Higher Education

The rise of news about sexual violence in tertiary institutions is a record for anyone. Campuses that should be a safe and comfortable place for the younger generation to study, prepare themselves [Read More]
Gambar Berita Book Release and Discussion, LKG UM Surabaya Highlights Polemics on the Draft Law on Sexual Violence
  • 08 Jan
  • 2022

Book Release and Discussion, LKG UM Surabaya Highlights Polemics on the Draft Law on Sexual Violence

Lembaga Kajian Gender (LKG) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) menggelar webinar bersama pakar dengan tema Polemik RUU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual: Ada apa? dalam webinar tersebut [Read More]
Gambar Berita Polemic Response from Permendikbudristek, LKG UM Surabaya Holds Discussion
  • 16 Nov
  • 2021

Polemic Response from Permendikbudristek, LKG UM Surabaya Holds Discussion

The UM Surabaya Institute for Gender Studies (LKG) held a discussion with the theme "Free Sex in Permendikbudristek No 30 of 2021: Really? The event which took place virtual zoom (15/11/21) was att [Read More]