Kerjasama yang erat terjalin antara Lembaga Kajian Gender UM Surabaya, Fakultas Agama Islam UM Surabaya, dan Ketua Majelis Tabligh serta Ketarjihan Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah Surabaya. Kegiatan terse [Read More]
The rise of news about sexual violence in tertiary institutions is a record for anyone. Campuses that should be a safe and comfortable place for the younger generation to study, prepare themselves [Read More]
Lembaga Kajian Gender (LKG) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) menggelar webinar bersama pakar dengan tema Polemik RUU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual: Ada apa? dalam webinar tersebut [Read More]
The UM Surabaya Institute for Gender Studies (LKG) held a discussion with the theme "Free Sex in Permendikbudristek No 30 of 2021: Really? The event which took place virtual zoom (15/11/21) was att [Read More]