Bank News

Gambar Berita Empat Jurusan di Fakultas Agama Islam UM Surabaya Beserta Rincian Biaya
  • 24 Jan
  • 2024

Empat Jurusan di Fakultas Agama Islam UM Surabaya Beserta Rincian Biaya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) menjadi salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) terbaik di Jawa Timur. Bagi siswa yang memiliki cita-cita dan ingin masuk jurusan Fakultas Agama Isl [Read More]
Gambar Berita The law of exchanging money, does it include usury? The following is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya Lecturer
  • 11 Apr
  • 2023

The law of exchanging money, does it include usury? The following is the Explanation of the UM Surabaya Lecturer

The phenomenon of exchanging money ahead of Eid has become a tradition in society. The context of this exchange is usually called trading money for money. Judging from Islamic law, the process of t [Read More]
Gambar Berita Five Banks Provide Appreciation Funds to the Best Graduates
  • 21 Nov
  • 2021

Five Banks Provide Appreciation Funds to the Best Graduates

The 47th Graduation of the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya was held in Hybrid. At the graduation which was held at the At Tauhid Tower building from 20-22 November 2021, 1136 students graduated [Read More]