Tapak Suci athletes from UM Surabaya won in various categories at the fourth inter-university virtual version of the Tapak Suci National Championship held at Sebelas Maret State University in Decem [Read More]
Pradeva Adelia, UM Surabaya Athlete made another achievement. After previously at the XX PON Papua event managed to bring home a bronze medal for East Java, now Pradeva has won a gold and bronze me [Read More]
Three students of the UM Surabaya Syari'ah Banking Study Program; Moh Yusron, Phatriakalista and Danisa Nanda won the 2021 Indonesian PTKI I Religion, Science and Research Olympiad (OASE). This pro [Read More]
Two UM Surabaya Athletes, Fiqanda Taufiq Hidayat, Islamic Family Law Study Program, and Fitri Nuraida Rizayasari, English Language Education Study Program, managed to make a proud achievement in th [Read More]
Reception for Milad Muhammadiyah 109, East Java Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders gave awards to 7 UM Surabaya athletes who won medals in PON XX Papua (27/11/2021). The seven students from the UM Surab [Read More]
9 Students and Athletes who competed in PON XX Papua received appreciation and bonuses from the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Bonuses were given directly by the Chancellor and his staff in a [Read More]