Acs News

Gambar Berita Invite Thomas Power from Flinder University, Partnership and UM Surabaya to discuss contemporary democracy
  • 26 Aug
  • 2022

Invite Thomas Power from Flinder University, Partnership and UM Surabaya to discuss contemporary democracy

The problem of democracy in Indonesia which is increasingly worrying has resulted in a lot of violence, the abuse of populism and the occurrence of political polarization among groups of people has [Read More]
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Hosts the 2022 Anti-Corruption Summit
  • 29 Oct
  • 2021

UM Surabaya Hosts the 2022 Anti-Corruption Summit

As a form of commitment to eradicating university-based corruption, the KPK-RI plans to partner with the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) in holding the 2022 Anti-Corruption Summit [Read More]