2022 News

Gambar Berita Berliana Indah, UM Surabaya Students Won 2nd Place in the 2022 PTMA Pilmapres
  • 06 Jun
  • 2022

Berliana Indah, UM Surabaya Students Won 2nd Place in the 2022 PTMA Pilmapres

Berliana Indah Shafa Putri, a UM Surabaya Bachelor of Nursing Study Program (Prodi) student was named the winner of 2nd place in league 2 of the National Level Achievement Student Selection (PILMAP [Read More]
Gambar Berita UM Surabaya Wins Digital Award 2022 Best Social Media Category
  • 01 Apr
  • 2022

UM Surabaya Wins Digital Award 2022 Best Social Media Category

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) won an award in the 2022 digital award event for the best social media university category on Thursday (31/3/22)The event which was held at [Read More]