Having failed and repeating the stage, Lina, a student at UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine, won the best national score

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  • Having failed and repeating the stage, Lina, a student at UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine, won the best national score
Gambar Berita Having failed and repeating the stage, Lina, a student at UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine, won the best national score
  • 15 Feb
  • 2023

Foto Lina Nur Hidayahtur Rohmah Peraih Nilai Tertinggi Kedua Nasional (Humas)

Having failed and repeating the stage, Lina, a student at UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine, won the best national score

Young, inspiring and accomplished. That is the description of the figure of Lina Nur Hidayahtur Rohmah. The first generation of UM Surabaya Faculty of Medicine (FK) students who have now become doctors. Lina, as she is affectionately known, successfully passed the November 2022 Medical Profession Program Student Competency Examination with the best score nationally. In this achievement he ranks second from the PTN / PTS Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia.

It seems that this woman from Sidoarjo, East Java, has been a regular in creating innovations, one of the innovations created with her team is Goldarhes. Innovative product tools or blood type and rhesus test kits based on android and light sensors. According to him, the innovation tool was created to reduce human error and to speed up blood typing in times of crisis such as accidents and natural disasters that require medical assistance in the form of blood transfusions.

Not only produce innovative products. Some of the championships he has won include: in 2017 he won 1st place in the Student Innovation Program (PIM) at the university level, 3rd place in the Appropriate Technology Event at the 2017 Surabaya City level. HISTAMINE)

Meanwhile, on the national and international level, he won second place in the poster competition for the public Islamic Fair of Public Health Airlangga University, Gold medal at The 2nd World Invention Technology Expo, The Best Presenter Award in the international conference in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Gold medal at Kaohsiung International Invention, Presented Special Award from Highly Innovative Unique Foundation (HIUF) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Special Award from Sri Ramakrishna Educational Institutions India, Best Invention Award from Malaysian Research & Innovation Society (MyRIS).

Never Failed in the Last Stage Exam

It seems that behind the dozens of achievements that were achieved, Lina had a down time because she had to repeat the clinical comprehensive clinical stage of the ER, so she had to repeat everything from the beginning for one month, while her other friends had already entered their holiday period, even as a result of this, her parents were called .

"But Alhamdulillah, everything went well and I'm grateful to be able to graduate on time," said Lina Wednesday (15/3/23)

According to him, the failure he experienced was one of the turning points in his life. He believes that success is not instant. The struggle during the process is what matters. His failure taught him that he should struggle more, work harder and pray more sincerely.

"Grateful to have parents who are always supportive, they never stop giving support, even though I failed once, my parents always motivated me, and that actually had a big impact on me," added Lina again.

When asked, his study tips because he has achieved the best grades, apparently he is not in the category of people who study all the time and every time. According to him something good is something that is done regularly and not under forced circumstances.

"What I apply in life is, every day there must be progress, even if it's a little it's not a problem, the important thing is to be consistent," he said firmly.

The girl who was born in Kediri, did not expect to be at the point where she could take a doctor's oath. The reason is that since he was small he did not have the dream of becoming a doctor, even his family background was also not related to health. Lina had studied as an engineering student at a State University in Surabaya, but this stopped for some reason.

At the end of his statement, he mentioned that every success and convenience he received was a blessing from his parents. According to him, parents' prayer is the key.

"I believe a lot of luck and ease in my life because of my mother's prayers," concluded Lina.