General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah: AIK in PTMA must be a differentiator

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  • General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah: AIK in PTMA must be a differentiator
Gambar Berita General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah: AIK in PTMA must be a differentiator
  • 06 Jul
  • 2022

Foto Sekretaris umum PP Muhammadiyah saat memberikan sambutan di Rakornas (Dok: Humas)

General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah: AIK in PTMA must be a differentiator

Muhammadiyah figure Abdul Mu'ti had the opportunity to attend the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah College (PTMA) in 2022.

A figure who is known to be inclusive, both from thoughts and associations who pass by conveyed several messages in front of 210 participants from 85 PTMs throughout Indonesia on Tuesday (5/7/22).

In his speech, Mu'ti emphasized that AIK in tertiary institutions must become knowledge so that scientists in PTMA emerge.

"The value that becomes the character and difference between Muhammadiyah and other organizations is AIK, so AIK's role must be able to integrate activities in each campus," explained Mu'ti.

According to him, the public outside has positive speculation that Muhammadiyah is a progressive Islam.

"So that the network is part of Muhammadiyah's personality, social networking and increasing relations is the ability to improve (upgrading) Muhammadiyah," he added again.

He also explained the characteristics of a progressive person, namely self-confidence. Partnerships are not always about universities that have A accreditation.

"Hopefully after this activity the AIK action plan and strategic activities for the next five years can be formulated," said Mu'ti who is also a professor at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

He also hopes that the PTMA National Coordination Meeting which has been held for several days will produce results in line with the National Coordination Meeting's objectives, namely to monitor and evaluate the implementation of AIK quality standards in PTMA. Exchange of ideas and experiences between PTMA leaders in program management. Formulate action plans for AIK strategic programs and activities for the next five years and strengthen the commitment of PTMA leaders in mainstreaming AIK.

Tags: aik rakornas ptma