Foto mahasiswa UM Surabaya saat memeragakan Scalextric Bike di Expo Penutupan KKN
The UM Surabaya Community Service Program (KKN) group of 33 who carried out the Community Service Program at the Mount Anyar location in Surabaya succeeded in creating an innovative tool called Scalextric By Bike. This tool was created to overcome technological physical therapy solutions while helping to improve students' motor skills, especially students with special needs.
Deputy Chairperson of the KKN 33 group FatimatuS Zahro Accounting Study Program said the idea initiated with his team was motivated by problems that occurred at SMP Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya. According to him, the tool is specifically for children with special needs who, when they are having tantrums, their actions disrupt teaching and learning activities in class, because in this case the members are not only children with special needs.
"This tool is made to relieve tantrums, train motor nerves as well as exercise facilities for ABK," Fatima.
After trials, the tool is proven to be able to relieve stress, tantrums from children with special needs so that their energy can be channeled by pedaling a bicycle. Turning on the P10 LED display will display a red color as a whole so it doesn't disturb other students and also as a positive way to train motor nerves and physical exercise.
"This aims to make the class atmosphere conducive, the accompanying teacher is not bothered by the tantrums of the ABK," he added again.
In his presentation, he also explained how the appropriate technology tool works, namely by pedaling so that it will move the gear, and the gear will be connected to a mini generator. The rotation of the bicycle stroke will drive the mini generator and the mini generator will issue a DC voltage of between 10-20 volts.
The DC voltage from the mini generator will be connected by a DC to DC stepdown with an input of 12 Volts-24 Volts with an output voltage of 5 Volts. From the output of the stepdown module the voltage will be entered into the Arduino module and later on the program will be 0 Vdc the lights will turn off and 5 Vdc the P10 type LED lights will be on as a whole. The lamp steps will be made as many as 10 steps with 0.9 Vdc will start counting 1/10 LED lights, with 2 Vdc will turn on 2/10 LEDs and so on until the lights are 10/10.
"The more you pedal, the greater the voltage output of the generator and the LED lights will move from the bottom up until they all turn on, then the buzzer will light up indicating that the mission to turn on the lights is complete," he concluded.
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