SBMPTMu 2022 Opens, Here Are the 10 Best Muhammadiyah Campuses According to UniRank

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Gambar Berita SBMPTMu 2022 Opens, Here Are the 10 Best Muhammadiyah Campuses According to UniRank
  • 13 May
  • 2022

Foto gedung At-Tauhid Tower UM Surabaya (Dok: Humas)

SBMPTMu 2022 Opens, Here Are the 10 Best Muhammadiyah Campuses According to UniRank

Registration for the 2022 Muhammadiyah College Joint Entrance Selection (SBMPTMu) batch 1 has been open from April 5 to June 17 2022 and batch 2 will open from June 20 to August 12.

Launching from the official website, SBMPTMu is a joint selection of new student admissions within the Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher Education (PTMA) environment which was initiated by the Council for Higher Education Research and Development (Diktilitbang) Muhammadiyah Central Leadership.

For students who wish to continue their studies at Muhammadiyah tertiary institutions and take part in the 2022 SBMPTMu, of course it is important to know a number of Muhammadiyah campuses that are included in the UniRank 4ICU ranking which can be used as a reference and consideration for entering higher education.

One of the higher education ranking agencies around the world, namely 4 International Colleges & Universities (4ICU) UniRank.

4ICU is a world university ranking institution that measures the popularity of universities based on the popularity or popularity of a university's website.

The purpose of this ranking itself is to provide non-academic standings of the best universities in Indonesia and the world based on valid website metrics without any bias and influence, which are provided by independent web intelligence sources and not data collected by the universities themselves. .

According to the official website, the following are the 10 best PTM/MA in Indonesia according to UniRank. The first place is Muhammadiyah University Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University Malang, Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, Ahmad Dahlan University, Muhammadiyah University Semarang, Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto , Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra, Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University, Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) and the last one is Muhammadiyah University Jakarta.

UM Surabaya Chancellor Sukadiono responded positively to the results released by Unirank a few months ago, in his statement UM Surabaya will continue to improve the quality of various aspects, so that UM Surabaya will become a reference tertiary institution for prospective students throughout Indonesia.

"Currently UM Surabaya is included in the top 10 best Muhammadiyah universities in Indonesia according to the UniRank version, the hope is that this will be a breath of fresh air for prospective students to make UM Surabaya their choice of education," he explained.

He added that UniRank assesses tertiary institutions that have criteria that have been accredited by official organizations and carry out undergraduate and postgraduate learning as well as have face-to-face and distance learning programs.