The Only One in East Java, Two Health Study Programs at FIK UM Surabaya Achieve Superior Accreditation with New Standards

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Gambar Berita The Only One in East Java, Two Health Study Programs at FIK UM Surabaya Achieve Superior Accreditation with New Standards
  • 29 Mar
  • 2022

Foto Rektor UM Surabaya saat menerima penghargaan pada kegiatan pelantikan dan pengambilan sumpah profesi ners dan ahli madya (Dok: Humas)

The Only One in East Java, Two Health Study Programs at FIK UM Surabaya Achieve Superior Accreditation with New Standards

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UM Surabaya) continually strives to improve the quality of quality education in accordance with the National Higher Education Standards in Indonesia. This commitment has been demonstrated by the achievement of superior accreditation titles from the Health Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM-PT KES) in two study programs (Prodi) at FIK.

This achievement makes FIK UM Surabaya the only Faculty in East Java with study programs that have superior accreditation with new standards with 9 criteria.

"Two study programs that are accredited superior include the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program with Decree Number 063/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/III/2022 and the Nursing Profession Study Program with Decree Number 0164/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/III/2022 "These two Study Programs have been officially accredited as superior on March 11, 2022," said Nur Mukarromah Tuesday (29/3/22)

Nur explained that for this accreditation achievement, FIK received many awards including from the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) Region VII East Java, the Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Institutions (AIPNI) Regional IX East Java and the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (DPW PPNI). East Java, which was given directly at the inauguration and oath-taking of the Professional Nurse and Associate Expert.

Nur Mukarromah who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences in his remarks explained that superior accreditation was given to the Bachelor of Nursing and Nursing Profession Study Program because the study program met the National Higher Education Standards from LAM-PTKES.

"Apart from meeting the standards, the predicate of excellence was determined because of the many achievements of the two study programs and the conformity of quality assurance standards in study programs and tertiary institutions, both academic and non-academic," he added.

He emphasized that this achievement is an achievement to be grateful for, superior accreditation will not be achieved without commitment and responsibility in organizing a high quality and quality higher education.

"FIK UM Surabaya is very ready for challenges, quality or quality in higher education" he explained.

At the end of his remarks, Nur Mukarromah added that graduates of the Profession Nurses and Associate Health Experts at FIK UM Surabaya are sons and daughters of a superior nation and can compete in taking on challenges in the current era of globalization.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) Region VII East Java, Soeprapto, conveyed in his remarks to the graduates that obtaining a superior title is not easy and UM Surabaya is the only institution in East Java that has received excellent accreditation.