Delivering a Public Lecture at UM Surabaya, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Gives a Special Message to Students

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Gambar Berita Delivering a Public Lecture at UM Surabaya, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Gives a Special Message to Students
  • 29 Sep
  • 2022

Foto Menteri Perdagangan RI saat mengisi kuliah tamu di UM Surabaya (Humas)

Delivering a Public Lecture at UM Surabaya, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Gives a Special Message to Students

The Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Zulkifli Hasan gives a public lecture at Muhamamdiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) during the opening of the Student Taaruf Period (Mastama) at the At-Tauhid Tower Building on Thursday (29/9/22)

Also present at the opening were Members of the Indonesian People's Representative Council (DPR RI) Zainuddin Maliki, Sungkono (Politicus), Sulthon Amin (BPH UM Surabaya) and the Chancellor of UM Surabaya Sukadiono and their staff who were enthusiastically welcomed by 2035 new students.

In his speech, Sukadiono said that the visit of the Minister of Trade to UM Surabaya was something extraordinary. He hopes that his arrival will provide a motivational trigger for new students as a provision of knowledge that can later be applied in society.

According to Suko, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia had a great influence in building faculties at UM Surabaya, especially the 2016 Faculty of Medicine (FK) permits. He also added that UM Surabaya would open a Faculty of Dentistry (FKG).

"Hopefully Mr. Zulhas' arrival this morning will bring blessings to the development of the UM Surabaya campus as well as a bigger and more progressive organization," said Suko.

Meanwhile, in his public lecture presentation, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia conveyed a number of important messages to new students, including inviting students to have the courage to compete and compete.

"Don't be young people who enjoy suffering, because only young people who dare to compete and compete will become superior human beings," said Zulhas in front of thousands of students.

He emphasized that young people or students who can prepare themselves well will survive, while those who are unable to prepare themselves will be eliminated.

On the occasion of the Student Taaruf Period, he also hoped that later there would be Ministers, Generals, Governors, Presidents who were born from current UM Surabaya students.

"I'm sure this will happen because you are currently on the best campus in East Java," said the former chairman of the 2014-2019 MPR RI, which was greeted with boisterous applause from the audience.

Zulhas further explained, everyone has the same time and the same capital, namely 24 hours a day, whoever and whatever the profession.

“It doesn't matter what the profession is, be it the chancellor or general. Whoever can optimize it properly, then that will be the winner. That is why some are successful, some are not," he added.

Apart from providing motivation, Zulkifli also conveyed a number of achievements he had made while carrying out the mandate as Minister since 3 months ago. Among them was the success in controlling market prices to be relatively stable amid the turmoil of economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.