Winning OASE PTKI National Champion, UM Surabaya Students Create Innovation Media for Islamic Finance Circuit

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Gambar Berita Winning OASE PTKI National Champion, UM Surabaya Students Create Innovation Media for Islamic Finance Circuit
  • 30 Nov
  • 2021

Foto Phatriakalista, Moh. Yusron dan Danisa Nanda mahasiswa S1 Perbankan Syariah yang meraih juara pada OASE PTKI Nasional (Dokumentasi: Humas FAI)

Winning OASE PTKI National Champion, UM Surabaya Students Create Innovation Media for Islamic Finance Circuit

Three students of the UM Surabaya Syari'ah Banking Study Program; Moh Yusron, Phatriakalista and Danisa Nanda won the 2021 Indonesian PTKI I Religion, Science and Research Olympiad (OASE). This program was organized by the Ministry of Religion through the Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education (Diktis).

OASE is a form of transformation from an activity that was originally called the Scientific Sports Arts and Research Week (PIONIR) which was later developed into two activities, namely OASE and the National Sports Arts Week (PESONA). OASE I PTKI throughout Indonesia in 2021 will be held at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh from 25-27 November 2021.

The three UM Surabaya students created educational media for student savings products at Islamic banks through the innovation of the Islamic Financial Circuit (SIKUSA) for elementary school-age children.

According to Phatriakalista, this financial education must be given from an early age, the aim is that by being introduced to it since childhood it will help children get used to managing their money well, so that when they grow up they are able to make the right decisions in using their money. That is the background of his team to take the initiative to make this learning media.

Our team intends to make and develop a circuit game into a medium for Islamic finance education, because circuit education media has many benefits, both cognitive and motor. In particular, the knowledge about saving in Islamic banks and the sensation of playing circuit media can trigger the hormone serotonin which makes elementary school aged children feel happy, making it easier for the process of transforming knowledge that is injected into the media game," explained Phatriakalista.

Arin Setyowati as the supervising lecturer in this team explained that the mentoring process was carried out intensely together with the implementation of the service program carried out at Tempurejo, considering that the media that was included in the competition was one of the Islamic financial education media which was used as material for the event from the Islamic financial literacy corner.

Thank God, among other PTKIs in the finals in the field of technological literacy and innovation, we were able to win a winner with the specificity of the theme of Islamic finance education. It is hoped that our participation in OASE will provide a lot of insight and input for the development of our media," said Arin after the event.