Thousands of UM Surabaya New Students Hold Reflection and Prayer Night for the Kanjuruhan Tragedy

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Gambar Berita Thousands of UM Surabaya New Students Hold Reflection and Prayer Night for the Kanjuruhan Tragedy
  • 02 Oct
  • 2022

Foto mahasiswa UM Surabaya saat malam refleksi dan doa bersama (Humas)

Thousands of UM Surabaya New Students Hold Reflection and Prayer Night for the Kanjuruhan Tragedy

Thousands of new students at the Muhamamdiyah University Surabaya (UM Surabaya) held a joint prayer action regarding the Kanjuruhan Malang tragedy which claimed hundreds of lives. The joint prayer action was held at the closing of the Mastama, Ordik UKM Expo (MOX) at the UM Surabaya yard on Sunday (2/10/22)

The Chancellor of UM Surabaya, Sukadiono, in his remarks also gave comments regarding the incident.

“As brothers and sisters, we feel very sorry about this incident. The note is not to scapegoat each other. Everyone has to do introspection and evaluation,” said Suko in front of thousands of students.

Suko also advised thousands of students that being a supporter had become commonplace. But being a fanatical supporter is also not good.

“We have to learn and educate ourselves how to be good supporters. And I really hope that this incident is the last incident and will not be repeated," he added.

Suko also emphasized that as officers, they must really understand the handling of incidents like this because if they are not properly understood, they can have fatal consequences, like what happened today.

"Tonight we will hold a prayer together, hopefully our relatives who have passed away will be given the best place possible," he said.

This joint prayer action was also attended by dozens of students who unfurled posters with the words: life is more valuable than football, sorrow for all of us, fanaticism should not take lives, football is just a game, but lives are not, football brings joy not sorrow, 1 life is more valuable than anything and Kanjuruhan's condolences and Indonesia's condolences.