Officially Confirmed as a Sacred Palm Warrior, This Said Sukadiono

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Gambar Berita Officially Confirmed as a Sacred Palm Warrior, This Said Sukadiono
  • 10 Jul
  • 2023

Foto Pengukuhan Rektor UM Surabaya Sukadiono sebagaI Pendekar Muda Tapak Suci (Humas)

Officially Confirmed as a Sacred Palm Warrior, This Said Sukadiono

The Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) Sukadiono was officially confirmed as a Warrior of the Holy Footprint of the Son of Muhammadiyah by the Indonesian Martial Arts College. Suko received a good predicate so that he was given the right to occupy the Young Warrior level.

At the inauguration which was held at the BPMP Kalasan Sleman, Suko wore a red martial arts outfit and a black vest typical of Tapak Suci, complete with a black belt and cap. Suko admitted that he never thought he would become a warrior. In taking the final examination of the Young Swordsman he made a real masterpiece in written and visual form.

It seems that the man who was born in Jombang on December 18, 1968 had previously been registered as a member of the Tapak Suci Regional Head of the City of Surabaya. Suko revealed that he wanted to raise the Muhammadiyah Son's Tapak Suci.

"Hopefully I can apply the essence of a Tapak Suci warrior, because to be a Tapak Suci warrior must be someone who has courage, but is not scary, and more importantly provides even greater benefits to society," said Suko Monday (10/7/23 )

After being officially inaugurated, Suko will participate in developing the Tapak Suci pencak silat. He also promised to carry out the mandate as the Young Swordsman. According to him, Pencak Silat Tapak Suci will build and develop one's personality and noble character.

"In addition to maintaining safety or physical and mental alertness based on a knight's attitude. Tapak Suci is also competitive, which means that individual or team forms can be competed for the purpose of health and achievement," he added.

According to him, currently Tapak Suci has become a cultural heritage as well as world wealth, this is evidenced by the increasing number of martial arts schools that continue to develop in major countries in the world.

"Because it has gone global, in this modern era, pencak silat has a duty and must be able to become a catalyst for the unity of the Indonesian nation which consists of various ethnicities, races, religions and groups," concluded Suko.